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VideoHive HUD700 Screen MATCH3 46249167

VideoHive HUD700 Screen MATCH3 46249167

VideoHive HUD700 Screen MATCH3 46249167 Information

HUD700 Screen MATCH3 46249167. HUD700 Screen Match is created with After Effects Shape layers that can easily be edited inside After Effects. Simply drag and drop the Compositions in your new comps. After resizing turn on Collapse Transformation
. 1 HUD700 Screen MATCH
. Created with After Effects CC 2019
.100% After Effects
. Resizable & Editable Vector Shapes
. Transparency, Drag & Drop on top of your footage
. Global and Local Control Layer System
. Universalized for All AE Languages
. Plugins Required: NONE
. Easy to customize
Sound Track by HyperrealRecords can be Purchased Here HERE

HUD700 Screen MATCH3 | Size: 984.32 KB

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